Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get acupuncture online?

The short answer is you can't. You can, however receive the benefit of Chinese Medicine online.

Over the thousands of years of medicine in China, doctors there have realized:

  • there are many ways to stimulate acupuncture points besides needles;
  • nutrition and movement are higher forms of medicine than acupuncture;
  • Chinese Medicine includes the use of essential oils, stone elixirs, and meditation, as well as nutritional advice and breath work.

I heard herbs are great; do you prescribe herbs?

Chinese herbal medicine is great. I don't practice that modality, but I can help get you connected with a Chinese Medicine herbalist in your area.

What do you do?

I offer clients things like essential oil formulas crafted specifically for you, and can address the symptoms of trauma: anxiety, depression, disturbed sleep, and hyper-vigilence. My veteran patients love their oils.

I can show you things that you can do at home with tools that are easy for you to get, like laser pens.

I am really good at listening and asking questions. I want you to reconnect with the part of you that you think is lost or broken, the deepest essence of who you are, unbreakable, never gone and never lost .

This sounds great! How do I sign up?

The first thing you do is sign up for a brief, FREE, consultation. We're going to be working hard together, and I want us to meet so you can ask questions before we start. You can get to the contact page by clicking this button:

Request Your Free Consultation

PS Can I come see you for acupuncture?

Sure! When you have your free consultation, we can talk about that.

"You are driven ... by your passion to heal. You started the healing for me this summer when nothing was available. U zoomed into my little phone and really changed the trajectory of what was happening, physically, mentally and emotionally. Xoxo from both of us." ED, MA

"You have blessed my life for many years and in many different circumstances. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!" JS, MA